OpenCost is a new open-source project that was created by Kubecost, a Kubernetes spend management company. OpenCost follows Kubecost’s core mission of enabling users to track their Kubernetes costs.
OpenCost provides real-time allocation of Kubernetes of costs; integrations with AWS, Azure, and GCP billing APIs to enable dynamic asset pricing; and support for on-premise clusters.
Users can also monitor their out-of-cluster AWS and GCP resources, such as RDS instances and S3 buckets. Users can allocate in-cluster resources like CPU, GPU, memory, load balancers, and persistent volumes as well.
In addition, OpenCost provides integrations with other open source tooling, offering abilities like pricing data exports to Prometheus.
Kubecost is submitting OpenCost to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), and its community already includes members from leaders in cloud computing, such as AWS, Armory, D2iQ, Google, Adobe, SUSE, Mindcurv, and New Relic.
“Overspend is a rapidly growing problem among teams scaling their Kubernetes deployments, as the recent CNCF report showed,” said Webb Brown, co-founder and CEO of Kubecost. “Roughly a quarter of organizations have no Kubernetes cost monitoring in place, and 44% only rely on monthly spend estimates. This comes against the backdrop of companies increasing their investment in Kubernetes, which makes cost monitoring even more important. OpenCost will be a valuable and fully open source solution for many organizations to quickly understand where that budget is going, and exactly how and where they can safely optimize it.”