Waltz is an open-source project that lets users visualize and define their organization’s technology landscape developed by Deutsche Bank.
Deutsche Bank released the project in early 2018 to help users make smarter decisions on technology investment.
“A core belief behind Waltz is that technology information should be accessible by everyone within your organisation. Furthermore employees are your best source of information about your technology landscape and should therefore be empowered to enhance and correct data,” the developers behind Waltz stated on its website.
The project blends information about apps, capabilities, organizational units, and more into a comprehensive set of views. Also, when apps are linked to entities, users can utilize dynamic views that show aggregate summaries of related applications.
Waltz is accessible through Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 11+ browsers and it makes heavy use of AngularJS, lodash and D3 for interaction.
For security, the project has a pluggable security system that can authenticate users against a built-in set of user profiles and can integrate with external systems such as SSO.
JDK 8 is required to build and run Waltz and 64 bit JVM running with a minimum of 1GB heap is recommended.