Snipe-IT – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

Snipe-IT is an open-source IT asset and license management tool that can help IT teams get more visibility into what they own, who has an asset, and where it is.  The platform has an admin dashboard that shows recent asset activity, such as items that have been checked in/out or were recently updated or deleted. … continue reading

Kubernetes – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

When we first started the ITOps Open Source Project of the Week series, Kubernetes was already such a large and popular project that no one needed us to tell them about it, so it’s never actually been featured in this series. But given that the project is celebrating its 10 year anniversary this month, we … continue reading

Polaris Catalog – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

The Polaris Catalog is an open source catalog for Apache Iceberg that was recently announced by Snowflake at its user conference, Snowflake Summit, earlier this week. While not technically fully available yet, the company says the catalog will be open sourced within the next 90 days.  Apache Iceberg is a format for big data analytics, … continue reading

Protocol Buffers – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

Protocol Buffers (also sometimes referred to as protobuf) is a cross-platform mechanism for serializing structured data. Its documentation compares it to formats like XML or JSON, but smaller, faster, and simpler. “You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: OpenDAC

Georgia Tech and Meta have teamed up to create an open dataset called OpenDAC that is designed to help improve direct air capture technology, which is a process that pulls carbon dioxide out of the air.  According to Georgia Tech, one of the biggest challenges to direct air capture is that every environment and location … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: AFFiNE

This week’s highlighted open-source project is AFFiNE, which is a knowledge base intended as an alternative to tools like Notion, Miro, and Airtable.  “There can be more than Notion and Miro. AFFiNE(pronounced [ə‘fain]) is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use,” the … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Vineyard

Vineyard is an in-memory data manager designed specifically for data-heavy analytics.  It uses shared memory to efficiently share data across different systems without needing to do serialization and deserialization. It employs a zero-copy method for sharing, which helps to avoid I/O overhead costs.  According to the project maintainers, Vineyard is ideal for complex cloud-native environments, … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kube-OVN

Kube-OVN is an open-source project attempting to bring the benefits of SDN to the cloud-native era.  “If you miss the rich networking capabilities of the SDN age but are struggling to find them in the cloud-native age, Kube-OVN should be your best choice,” the project maintainers say. It has a number of key features, including … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Eraser

Eraser is an open source tool for cleaning up unused Kubernetes images in a cluster. “When deploying to Kubernetes, it’s common for pipelines to build and push images to a cluster, but it’s much less common for these images to be cleaned up. This can lead to accumulating bloat on the disk, and a host … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Cloud Console Cartographer

Cloud Console Cartographer is an open-source project that allows IT teams to more easily read and understand cloud logs from AWS.  “If you’ve spent any amount of time digging through logs trying to triage activity in an environment, you’ve probably been overwhelmed with the log data that comes from console activity,” explained Daniel Bohannon, principal … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Copa

Copa, short for Copacetic, is an open-source project for vulnerability management. It can automatically apply the necessary patches to a container image based on the results of vulnerability scans.  This allows containers to be patched quickly without waiting on a full rebuild upstream, so that they can be redeployed as fast as possible.  The maintainers … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Cloud Foundry BOSH

Cloud Foundry BOSH is an open-source solution for provisioning and deploying software to virtual machines (VMs).  It also includes capabilities for monitoring, failure recovery, and software updating.  The tool was initially designed to deploy to Cloud Foundry PaaS, but it can also be deployed to almost any other software as well, the maintainers claim.  It … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Xline

Xline is an open-source management system for metadata stored in organizations with multiple data centers. According to the project maintainers, one of the big challenges related to multi-data center architectures is maintaining data consistency and high performance. Xline was created to help solve that problem by allowing distributed storage and management. “This project aims to … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kong Gateway Operator

Earlier this week at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024, Kong announced it would be open sourcing the Kong Gateway Operator (KGO) with the latest release, 1.2. With this release, all the previously released features of KGO are now open source, and new features were also added, such as managed gateways, HPA-based gateway autoscaling, and AI … continue reading

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