ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Eclipse Dataspace Working Group

The Eclipse Foundation recently announced the formation of the Eclipse Dataspace Working Group, a new subgroup within the organization that will foster the creation of new dataspaces using open source technologies. According to the Eclipse Foundation, dataspaces are “federated networks of trusted connections for sharing data to foster information sharing for mutual benefit.”  It will … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: FOCUS

The FinOps Cost and Usage Specification (FOCUS) provides consistency and standardization to cloud cost data. It helps companies visualize the value of cloud services and transforms complex billing data into a simple standardized schema.  FOCUS simplifies multi-cloud billing data, enhances reporting consistency across various vendors, and streamlines FinOps capabilities such as allocation, chargeback, budgeting, forecasting, … continue reading

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the week: KEDA

KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler that helps users scale any container based on the number of events that need to be processed.  Additionally, it can be added to any Kubernetes cluster and it works with standard Kubernetes components such as the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. With KEDA, users can explicitly map the applications they … continue reading

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week: CubeFS

CubeFS is a cloud native distributed storage platform hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as an Incubating project. According to the company, this open source offering allows users to converge posix filesystem interfaces, S3 compatible interfaces, and hdfs interfaces. It also provides highly scalable metadata along with elasticity and consistency.  CubeFS also offers specific … continue reading

ITOps Times open source project of the week: Crossplane

Crossplane is an open-source project that provides infrastructure as code (IaC) for managing cloud native applications and infrastructure.  It is designed to enable users to declaratively manage their cloud resources using a single, unified interface, rather than needing to use the individual APIs and tooling provided by different cloud providers. Crossplane aims to provide a … continue reading

ITOps Times open source project of the week: Aiven

The team at Aiven, the open-source cloud data platform, has announced a complete open-source streaming ecosystem for Apache Kafka. This is intended to deliver a robust and real-time data ecosystem with the latest editions of its beta service of Aiven for Apache Flink.  “As a leader in the open source community, Aiven is on a … continue reading

ITOps Open Source Project of the Week: Gemini

The open source project Gemini aims to solve a problem that has frustrated developers since Kubernetes was introduced: the inability to run databases or persistent storage in Kubernetes. To fix this, Kubernetes enablement company Fairwinds built Gemini on the VolumeSnapshot API. The new solution creaties a more robust and user-friendly interface that allows for automated … continue reading

Example of customized panes in Windows Terminal

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week: Windows Terminal

Windows Terminal was first announced last year at Microsoft Build, and one year later, Microsoft was able to launch version 1.0 at Build 2020.  Windows Terminal is a result of Microsoft wanting to improve the command line experience on Windows without breaking backwards compatibility for its existing consoles and shells.  “The Windows Terminal is a … continue reading

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week: Bat

This week’s highlighted open-source project is bat. Bat is a tool that IT practitioners can use to test, debug, and interact with HTTP servers.  It is a Go implementation of a CLI, and was inspired by the project Httpie.  According to the project’s GitHub page, its key highlights include its expressive and intuitive syntax, built-in … continue reading

Screenshot of Falco

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week: Falco

Earlier this week Sysdig announced that its open-source container runtime security tool Falco would be joining the CNCF Incubator. The project first entered the CNCF as a Sandbox Project in October 2018. To-date, it is the only runtime security technology at the CNCF. According to Sysdig, the tool detects and alerts when there is unexpected … continue reading

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week: Tern

This week’s highlighted open-source project originated at VMware. Tern is a tool that looks through container images and finds software packages and image metadata. It provides admins with a better understanding of the bill of materials for a container. This allows them to make more well-informed decisions about container-based infrastructure, integration, and deployment strategies. Earlier … continue reading

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