The Eclipse Foundation has announced that it will be collaborating with the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) to create a new Kubernetes IoT Edge Working Group to address the increasing demand for Kubernetes in IoT cloud and edge environments.
IDC predicts that worldwide spending on IoT will reach $1.2 trillion by 2022, with IoT at the edge becoming a $2.1 billion market by 2021. The Kubernetes IoT Edge Working Group will focus on evolving Kubernetes to support IoT workloads at the edge.
As the IoT industry collaborates on open source and hurries to develop a stack of complementary technologies for creating IoT systems, the Kubernetes IoT Edge Working Group will work toward defining terminology, identifying gaps in deployment and management, educating the market on common use cases and scenarios, putting standard metrics in place, and identifying open-source projects that could help.
“The collaboration between the Kubernetes and Eclipse IoT communities will enable the development of a truly open ecosystem for distributed IoT edge computing,” said Eclipse Foundation executive director Mike Milinkovich. “The complexity of orchestrating IoT systems is a problem domain that Kubernetes is a perfect fit for, and many complementary open source projects are under the Eclipse IoT umbrella, so we’re very excited to work with the CNCF to support this surge of interest around Kubernetes in IoT.”