Tufin, the market-leading provider of Network Security Policy Orchestration solutions, today announced its latest product offering, Tufin Orca, a cloud-based solution that enables users to extend Tufin’s policy-based approach to secure containers and microservices. Tufin Orca is available through an early access program that is now open. The solution integrates with DevOps teams’ CI/CD tools to scan for threats, secure containers, and comply with regulations.
“Containers and microservices in the DevOps workflow raise new challenges to managing risk and reducing vulnerability while meeting the speed of business,” said Jon Oltsik, senior principal analyst at ESG. “We see the need for organizations to add security into the DevOps toolchain and taking a policy-based approach to automating microservices security is a logical solution.”
In order to secure the environment, DevOps teams want to know and control external access to vulnerable containers and limit the impact of a breach. Tufin Orca identifies and protects vulnerable containers that are externally accessible.
“A typical Kubernetes cluster may have dozens, sometimes hundreds of instances, which are increasingly susceptible to cyberattacks. At scale it becomes impossible to identify vulnerabilities and protect against breaches without automation,” said Reuven Harrison, Chief Technology Officer at Tufin. “To achieve continuous security, DevOps teams can now integrate Tufin Orca with their CI/CD tools and Kubernetes runtime to protect microservices no matter where they’re deployed – on-premises, private or public cloud.”
Current tools and practices lack sufficient visibility and security for modern microservice environments. At runtime Tufin Orca provides visibility into all microservice connections, monitors risk and takes policy-based action to shield applications.
“As the leading provider of customer success solutions for the enterprise, Totango understands the importance of securing applications and protecting client data. We believe there is an increasing need for automated security solutions that intelligently adapt to changing cybersecurity threats,” said Oren Raboy, VP Engineering, Totango. “Tufin Orca’s policy-based approach to microservices security is a unique solution that will help DevOps build, deploy and operate secure applications at scale.”
Tufin Orca is now available through the early-access program, which includes free access, unlimited use of Tufin Orca, and dedicated support. To sign up for the program, visit tufin.io.
Tufin Orca will be generally available in Q3 2018.