The Eclipse Foundation recently announced the formation of the Eclipse Dataspace Working Group, a new subgroup within the organization that will foster the creation of new dataspaces using open source technologies.
According to the Eclipse Foundation, dataspaces are “federated networks of trusted connections for sharing data to foster information sharing for mutual benefit.”
It will provide governance, guidance, and support for open source technologies that support dataspaces.
The working group itself is divided into three distinct groups: Dataspace Core & Protocols, Dataspace Data Planes & Components, and Dataspace Authority & Management.
The Eclipse Foundation said it will also be collaborating with existing organizations that already do work with dataspaces, such as the International Data Spaces Associations, iSHARE Foundation, and Catena-X.
“Dataspaces support the sharing of federated, sovereign, and trusted data. In doing so, they enable new business models where multiple players can aggregate their data for their own benefit and create a trusted means of data exchange that is decentralised, egalitarian, and secure,” said Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. “Open source software is the most logical means of building this new reality, and the Eclipse Foundation provides the ideal vendor-neutral ‘code first’ governance model to bring this future to life.”