A new report reveals that as companies are building cultures of collaboration and alignment between FinOps and DevOps teams, there is a growing chasm between the teams as to responsibility for cloud costs.

When FinOps drives business culture, project teams are responsible for their cloud usage, which allows organizations to align costs of product development and business goals. With Global Market Estimates predicting the FinOps market to grow from $832.2 million in 2023 to $2.8 billion by 2028, businesses are increasingly using these practices to support business decisions.

The new report, by CloudBolt Software, reveals this alignment paradox: Even as 70% of respondents indicated collaboration between the teams is “completely” or “very” effective, 86% say there is a gap, and 75% indicated that gap has widened over the past year.

A deeper look showed that a majority of respondents believe that “FinOps objectives are incorporated into cloud engineering teams’ metrics and incentives,” according to the report, and that 84% of respondents said that FinOps considerations are “always” or “often” incorporated into the product engineering lifecycle.

Yet the report also found that a majority of respondents have difficulty responding quickly to any cloud cost-related anomaly, with 67% reporting delays of days or more in addressing them. Thirty-one percent said their “insight-to-action” time can be weeks or months, when ideally, resolving these issues should take seconds or minutes.

According to the report, other key challenges to FinOps adoption include: 

  • Skills gaps (37%)
  • Different reporting structures (34%)
  • Lack of inter-departmental collaboration (33%)
  • Organizational silos (33%)
  • Misaligned objectives (33%)

“Enterprise customers require business impact, not just awareness and visibility from their FinOps initiatives,” Kyle Campos, chief technology and product officer at CloudBolt, said in the announcement of the report. “It’s time for FinOps teams to look to advanced technology like AI and automation to bridge the current gap, relieve operations toil, and increase cloud ROI.”

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