Today, the Cloud Foundry Foundation announced cf-for-k8s release, KubeCF 2.5 and Stratos 4.2 to ensure that Cloud Foundry’s architecture includes the most modern and cloud-native infrastructure technology.
Cf-for-k8s is a Kubernetes-native distribution of Cloud Foundry that blends the Cloud Foundry developer API with popular Kubernetes technologies including Istio, Envoy, Fluentd, and Kubernetes.
Version 1.0 also received new community-added capabilities such as encrypted in-flight communication, support for cf bind-service, cf marketplace and other commands related to the Open Service Broker API, and support for a wide range of developer frameworks.
The company also released another update to KubeCF 2.5, which is an open-source distribution of Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes, packaged as a Helm chart.
The new version includes production-ready Eirini, supported in commercial distributions of Certified Cloud Foundry, which provides users with improved stability and closer feature parity with Diego. Eirini significantly reduces the architectural complexity of Cloud Foundry on Kubernetes because user applications run as pods rather than as containers within a Diego pod, according to the Cloud Foundry.
The release also includes container-to-container networking and multi-cluster app scheduling for Diego.
Thirdly, the foundry released Stratos v4.2, which is a web-based management console, initially intended to manage Cloud Foundry clusters, aimed at fulfilling the needs of both developers and administrators.
This new release adds support for both native Kubernetes clusters and Helm chart repositories. It provides a visual user interface to complement the corresponding CLI tools, allowing end users to perform many of their day-to-day tasks straight from the web browser.
While Kubernetes and Helm features were previously only available in SUSE Cloud Application Platform, they are now available in the upstream release.
“Today, our community unveils new project releases that mark a turning point for the Cloud Foundry project. Since its inception, the Cloud Foundry community’s mission has been to make developers’ lives easier. This has never been more important, as the rise of Kubernetes to become the de facto standard for modern infrastructure has brought both powerful possibilities and challenging complexities to developers,” said Chip Childers, the executive director of the Cloud Foundry Foundation. “Thanks to the innovation of the open source community, Cloud Foundry will continue to evolve to give you the full best-in-class Cloud Foundry developer experience wherever you use Kubernetes.”