New Relic is releasing a Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) solution to enable companies to improve performance and user experience across mobile, web, and AI apps. 

New Relic DEM offers real user monitoring (RUM), which provides visibility into all user interactions across web and mobile platforms. Companies can use this information to identify bottlenecks and optimize user paths. 

It includes a session replay feature that provides video playbacks of user sessions, which provides insights into exactly how a customer is interacting with an application. Session replay only captures critical incidents, which cuts down on storage and processing costs.

The solution also features a synthetic monitoring capability that enables companies to simulate user paths in order to test that an application is performing as expected. Simulations can be specific to certain scenarios, device types, and geographic locations. 

Additionally, its crash analysis capability can help companies identify and fix frequent issues in order to provide a more stable user experience. 

Finally, the platform offers comprehensive mobile log management across iOS, Android, and watchOS, and hybrid frameworks like Xamarin, .NET MAUI, React Native, Flutter, Cordova, and Ionic Capacitor. It also provides insights into mobile user journeys with data like breadcrumbs, HTTP events, and handled exceptions. 

“No enterprise wants to deal with unhappy customers or worse, lose them,” said Manav Khurana, chief product officer of New Relic. “By using a combined DEM and APM solution that is AI-powered, we can prevent user issues, manage incidents more efficiently, and continuously improve experiences. When all monitoring data is in one place, businesses get clearer insights that help them solve problems faster and better. This doesn’t just help enterprises to make their customers happier but also allows them to run smoother operations and drive business success.”

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