Topic: kubernetes

Diagram of Pulumi's Kubernetes Operator

Pulumi adds new Kubernetes capabilities

Infrastructure as Code platform Pulumi has announced new Kubernetes capabilities.  The new features include an in-cluster Kubernetes Operator, support for authoring Open Policy Agent (OPA)-based policies, a crd2pulumi tool for creating strongly-typed APIs for Kubernetes CRDs, and a tool for converting YAML manifests to Pulumi Python, TypeScript, Go, or .NET.  The new Kubernetes Operator provides … continue reading

premium The automation imperative

Cloud-native and Kubernetes are dominant topics in technology circles these days. But why? What makes such previously obscure concepts and tools suddenly so relevant? Standard practices for software operations until now have been imperative, meaning that instructions are explicit, requiring manual steps and active intervention. Kubernetes and a new generation of cloud-native software have changed … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: KubeCarrier

Kubernatic has announced the open source release of KubeCarrier. KubeCarrier was designed to automate the provisioning and entire lifecycle management of services, applications, and API-accessible hardware devices by leveraging Kubernetes Operators. As cloud adoption accelerates, the company explained that operation teams are confronted with the complexities of service management across multiple clusters, clouds, and regions.  … continue reading updates platform to support movement across clouds wants to make it easier for users to adopt hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. The 5G and enterprise app automation platform provider announced the Robin Cloud-Native platform now allows users to move complex stateful apps across clouds.  According to the company, hybrid or multi-cloud strategies help support growing infrastructure needs, but with each cloud having … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: KUDO

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation announced it has officially accepted KUDO into the organization as a sandbox project. KUDO, which stands for Kubernetes Universal Declarative Operator, is an open-source project developed by cloud native platform and app management company D2iQ. According to the company, it has been used across the world to simplify the development … continue reading

Platform9 announces new Kubernetes capabilities

Platform9 announced new capabilities for enterprise-managed Kubernetes solutions to accelerate deployment and ease-of-use. The new capabilities include managed Calico networking with API support, application wizard for rapid bare-metal deployments, and multi-cluster observability and alerting for more accurate troubleshooting. These features are now available, including support for Kubernetes release 1.17, for all Platform9 customers of the … continue reading

Operator Framework joins CNCF as incubation-level project

The CNCF has announced that it will be bringing on the Operator Framework as an incubation-level project. The Operator Framework is a toolkit for managing Kubernetes Operators, which are extensions of Kubernetes that make it easier to package, deploy, and manage Kubernetes applications.  The Operator Framework, first developed in 2016 by CoreOS which is now … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Kubermatic

Kubermatic, previously known as Loodse, is a newly open source Kubernetes automation tool. Loodse had been releasing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform as their own software, but with its recent 2.14 release earlier this month, the company decided to open source the solution.  “Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform automates deployment and Day2 operations of countless Kubernetes clusters across any … continue reading

MicroK8s now natively available for Windows and macOS developers

Windows and macOS developers can now use MicroK8s natively. The Ubuntu team announced developers can interact with kubectl and MicroK8s through the Windows or Mac command line locally, similarly to how they would with Linux. This new capability is meant to provide better development, build, and test workflows on the desktop.  MicroK8s is a lightweight … continue reading

Microsoft unveils Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes preview

Microsoft is giving its Azure users the ability to connect and configure to any Kubernetes cluster. The company announced a preview of Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes, which works across customer data centers, edge locations and multi-cloud.  Azure Arc is the company’s solution for extending Azure services and management to any infrastructure. “With Azure Arc, customers … continue reading

ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: cdk8s

Earlier this week, Amazon announced a new open-source development framework that enables developers to define Kubernetes applications using familiar programming languages. Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes (cdk8s) allows IT professionals to define Kubernetes applications using familiar languages like Python and JavaScript.  According to Amazon, applications that are running on Kubernetes are comprised of resources that … continue reading

Red Hat and AWS unveil Amazon Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat and AWS are teaming up to deliver a jointly managed and jointly supported enterprise Kubernetes service on AWS. The companies announced Amazon Red Hat OpenShift, a fully managed service designed for IT organizations building and deploying apps in AWS on Red Hat’s enterprise Kubernetes platform. “As we move deeper into the era of … continue reading Protection Status

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