Topic: cloud spend

DoiT launches new features to help companies improve FinOps posture

DoiT, which provides software to help simplify cloud setup, has announced new features in Cloud Navigator designed to enable better FinOps practices. Cloud Navigator is a tool that helps companies prevent cloud overspending by providing spending analytics, anomaly detection, and more.  The company introduced the integration of Ava, which is a generative AI assistant that … continue reading

Managing cloud costs

FinOps Foundation releases cost and usage specification

The FinOps Foundation has released a version 1.0 preview of FOCUS, its specification for keeping a sharp view of cloud spending. FOCUS — the FinOps Open Cost and Usage Specification — is designed to demystify cloud costs and make it easier to show and report value, according to the foundation’s announcement. It said that FOCUS “is … continue reading Protection Status

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