Topic: keda

KEDA graduates from CNCF

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has announced the graduation of another project: KEDA, which is a Kubernetes autoscaler.  The CNCF is home to many popular cloud-native open-source projects, such as Kubernetes, Istio, and Prometheus. Earning the graduated status means that the organization considers a project to be “stable and used successfully in production.” KEDA … continue reading

ITOps Times Open Source Project of the week: KEDA

KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaler that helps users scale any container based on the number of events that need to be processed.  Additionally, it can be added to any Kubernetes cluster and it works with standard Kubernetes components such as the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler. With KEDA, users can explicitly map the applications they … continue reading Protection Status

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