Topic: netflix

Maestro – ITOps Times Open Source Project of the Week

Earlier this week, Netflix open sourced Maestro, a highly scalable workflow orchestrator for handling large-scale workflows, like data pipelines. It can manage the entire workflow lifecycle, including retries, queuing, task distribution to compute engines, and more.  Workflows in Maestro follow the directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure, composed of individual job definitions, or Steps. These Steps … continue reading

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ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: Mantis

In 2014, Netflix developed a platform that would help them get better operational insights in their increasingly complex environment. Today, Mantis helps Netflix engineers better understand the behavior of their applications, which in turn helps them provide a better user experience.  Mantis is a platform on which real time stream processing applications can be built. … continue reading Protection Status

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