Topic: opentitan

Google begins fabrication on OpenTitan silicon

Google has announced that fabrication has begun on OpenTitan silicon, and it is being manufactured by the semiconductor manufacturer Nuvoton.  OpenTitan is an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT), a secure microcontroller. According to Google, the key to securing devices is to “start where you have certainty and build up a chain of trust.” … continue reading

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ITOps Times Open-Source Project of the Week: OpenTitan

Google has just announced the release of a new open-source silicon root of trust (RoT) project, OpenTitan. According to Google, open sourcing the silicon chip design will help make it more transparent, trustworthy, and secure. The project is being managed by lowRISC CIC, a collaborative open silicon engineering organization, and supported by Google, ETH Zurich, … continue reading Protection Status

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