Topic: shadow it

Report: Majority of security pros admit to using “shadow SaaS” apps

A recent survey from Next DLP revealed that over the last year, 73% of security professionals have used used “shadow Saas,” or SaaS applications not provided or approved by their IT teams. Further, even though they are using shadow SaaS, they admitted to being aware of the risks of doing so, with the most commonly … continue reading

Casting a light on shadow IT: Using a cloud access security broker

Given the increase in remote work and shadow IT usage, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that the cloud access security broker (CASB) market is exploding. Valued at $8.74 billion in 2020, the CASB market is projected to reach $32.9 billion by 2028—a projected compound annual growth rate of roughly 18% from 2021 to 2028. What … continue reading

Low-code tools are the key to eliminating shadow IT

Halloween is coming up, but thanks to the rise in popularity of low-code tools, IT teams will have one less scary thing to worry about this time of year: shadow IT.  If you haven’t heard the term before, shadow IT is what happens when there are applications running in an organization that the IT department … continue reading

Shadow IT: Cracks in the company armor

If IT were a superhero, shadow IT would be its underestimated nemesis. That’s because today’s shadow IT — accounts that employees create without a business’s authorization or awareness — appears at first glance to be harmless. That makes the havoc it can wreak even more of a threat. In the daily course of their work, … continue reading

Shadow IT doesn’t have to be as dark as it sounds

It’s no secret that IT teams are overwhelmed. Sometimes they don’t have the time or resources required to get everything that needs to be done done. And when employees have to wait long periods of time for IT to approve something, sometimes they decide to take IT matters into their own hands.  Shadow IT is … continue reading Protection Status

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