Topic: tigera

Tigera announces Calico-based lightweight service mesh

Project Calico creator Tigera today has announced Calico Cluster Mesh, a lightweight service mesh created to ensure low-latency networking and security for multi-cluster Kubernetes deployments.  According to Tigera, Calico Cluster Mesh “hides network complexity and simplifies service connectivity” for platform owners, DevOps teams, and SREs, by taking a new approach to secure microservices communication. Among … continue reading

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024: Istio 1.22, profiling support in OpenTelemetry, wasmCloud 1.0, and more

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 is taking place from today until Friday in Paris, France. The event is an annual gathering of Kubernetes operators that is put on by the CNCF and Linux Foundation. The CNCF has announced updates to some of its projects, and a number of vendors also released new things at the … continue reading

Tigera announces Calico Security Policy Recommender improvements

Tigera introduced Calico Security Policy Recommender improvements such as security policy recommendations for namespaces, FIPS compliance for use by federal agencies, and new dashboards.  The ability to recommend policies at the namespace level along with policies at the pod level enables users to add microsegmentation without worrying about application-level changes. This is useful for customers … continue reading

ITOps Times news digest: Palo Alto Networks’ new firewalls; Dynatrace’s updated security features; Tigera integrates zero trust into Calico Cloud

Security company Palo Alto Networks has announced new firewalls powered by machine learning technology. The new models, PA-3400 and PA-5400 Series provide three times improved security over previous models offered by the company, according to Palo Alto Networks.  When compared to the previous models, the PA-5400 has seven times more content inspection per core, with … continue reading Protection Status

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